

Ice Hockey Federation of Turkiye

With the establishment of the Ice Sports Federation of Turkiye in 1991, the ice hockey branch was separated from the Ski Federation of Turkiye and gathered fall under the newly established federation together with the figure skating branch. In the same year, Turkiye become a member of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) and established the Men’s A National Team to participate in the IIHF World Championship Group C tournaments which will be held in 1992. In 2005, the Turkish Ice Hockey Federation left the Ice-Skating Branch. In 2006, ice hockey has shown attempts to accomplish the highest goal in itself and gained administrative and financial autonomy.

Numerous organizations have been hosted by our country, such as the World University Winter Games (Universiade) and the European Youth Olympic Games (EYOF), as well as multiple World Championships, Intercontinental Ice Hockey Cups, and International Development Camps.

National competitions and activities are currently organized in all age categories in our country, and participation in World Championships, Olympic Qualifications, and Youth Olympic Games is ensured in the relevant age categories included in the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) activity calendar.

Numerous organizations have been hosted by our country, such as the World University Winter Games (Universiade) and the European Youth Olympic Games (EYOF), as well as multiple World Championships, Intercontinental Ice Hockey Cups, and International Development Camps.

National competitions and activities are currently organized in all age categories in our country, and participation in World Championships, Olympic Qualifications, and Youth Olympic Games is ensured in the relevant age categories included in the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) activity calendar.


As the vision of the Ice Hockey Federation of Turkiye; it has adopted the management principle, which is based on efficiency in institutionalization, contributes to the training of highly qualified trainers, referees, and athletes, aims for success with health, environment, ethical, and humanitarian sensitivities by using its sports knowledge for the benefit of our youth, and ensures the sustainability of the targeted success.


Ice Hockey Federation of Turkiye has made it a duty to be successful in international sportive competition and infrastructure development, in the arrangement of high-level organizations, by putting fair-play and team spirit first, using current training methods and scientific approaches, with the goal of spreading and increasing awareness of ice hockey sport in our country.


Effective Technology Use for the Basics of Institutional Development

To expand the Sports Talent Screening Project, which is being carried out by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in order to ensure the spread of ice hockey in our country’s facilities that have ice rinks, and to do so by assuring its continuity on online platforms.

To fully implement and develop the BuzNet System, which will allow ice hockey to establish a firm foundation between the club, coach, manager, and athlete, as well as to facilitate competition and league management with the up-to-date data flow.

To provide numerous statistics to broadcasters by using technologic potential.


  • Lig organizasyonlarını en iyi şekilde planlayarak, kamuoyunun gündemine buz hokeyi branşını dahil etmek.
  • Her yıl en az 1 kategoride dünya şampiyonası grup müsabakalarına ev sahipliği yapmak.
  • Minikler kategorisinde her yıl en az 1 kere çok katılımlı uluslararası organizasyon yapmak.
  • Altyapılarda Balkan ülkelerinin katılımıyla gelişim kampları organize etmek.

Milli Takımlar

  • Kadın ve Erkeklerde Olimpiyat Ön Eleme Gruplarında ve Dünya Şampiyonaları Klasmanları’nda yükselmek, madalya kazanmak.

Gelişim ve Destek Programları

  • Yurtdışında buz hokeyi oynayan Türk vatandaşlarının Milli Takımlara ve kulüplere kazandırılması.
  • Altyapı ve tanıtım faaliyetlerine katılan kulüplerin desteklenmesi.
  • Kadın ve Erkeklerde gençler kategorisinde deplasmanlı lig faaliyetleri geliştirip uygulamak.

Eğitim Programları

  • Federasyonun asli görevleri kapsamında olan antrenör, hakem ve sporcu eğitimine yönelik programlara ilave olarak;
  • Velilere yönelik eğitim ve destek programları düzenlemek.
  • Sporculara yönelik psikolojik, genetik ve beslenme üzerine eğitimler düzenlemek.
  • Buz hokeyindeki en son gelişmeleri ilgili paydaşlara duyurmak amacıyla ulusal ve uluslararası seminerler düzenlemek.


  • Olimpik Buz Pisti olan şehirlerde altyapı projeleri yürütmek, geliştirmek, uygulamak.
  • İnşası devam eden pistlerin uluslararası standardizasyonu için çalışmalar yapmak.
  • Tüm tesislerin ‘Sıfır Atık’ ilkesi çerçevesinde işletilmesine yardımcı olmak.


  • Federasyon tarafından organize edilen tüm liglere isim sponsorluğu bulmak.
  • Federasyon, milli takımlar ve ligler için yeni sponsorlar bulmak ve sayısını artırmak.
  • Sponsor sayısını arttırmaya paralel, ligler için televizyon yayın anlaşmaları yaparak gelirleri artırmak ve bu yolla kulüplerimize maddi destek sağlamak.


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  • To include the branch of ice hockey on the public’s agenda by planning the league organizations in the best way.
  • To host world championship group competitions in at least 1 category every year.
  • To organize a multi-participant international organization in the Junior category at least once a year.
  • To organize development camps with the participation of Balkan countries in infrastructures.

National Teams

  • To be promoted and to win medals in the World Championship Classifications in Women and Men and Olympic Qualification Groups.

National Teams

  • To be promoted and to win medals in the World Championship Classifications in Women and Men and Olympic Qualification Groups.

Development and Support Programs

  • Bringing Turkish citizens who play ice hockey abroad to National Teams and clubs.
  • Supporting clubs that participate in infrastructure and promotional activities.
  • Developing and implementing away league activities in the youth category for women and men.

Training Programs

  • In addition to the programs for the training of trainers, referees and athletes, which are within the scope of the fundamental duties of the Federation;
  • To organize training and support programs for parents.
  • To organize training on psychology, genetics, and nutrition for athletes.
  • To organizing national and international seminars in order to announce the latest developments in ice hockey to the relevant stakeholders.

Training Programs

  • In addition to the programs for the training of trainers, referees and athletes, which are within the scope of the fundamental duties of the Federation;
  • To organize training and support programs for parents.
  • To organize training on psychology, genetics, and nutrition for athletes.
  • To organizing national and international seminars in order to announce the latest developments in ice hockey to the relevant stakeholders.


  • To Execute, develop, and implement infrastructure projects in cities with Olympic ice rinks.
  • To carry out studies for the international standardization of runways under construction.
  • To assist in the functioning of all facilities in accordance with the ‘Zero Waste’ principle.


  • Finding name sponsorship for all leagues organized by the federation.
  • Finding and increasing the number of new sponsors for the federation, national teams, and leagues.
  • In addition to increasing the number of sponsors, we want to increase revenue by negotiating television broadcasting deals for leagues and providing financial support to our teams in this way.


  • Finding name sponsorship for all leagues organized by the federation.
  • Finding and increasing the number of new sponsors for the federation, national teams, and leagues.
  • In addition to increasing the number of sponsors, we want to increase revenue by negotiating television broadcasting deals for leagues and providing financial support to our teams in this way.