Coach Training System consists of 2 stages: Basic (Theoretical) and Practice Training.
Basic training is carried off within Anadolu University Continuing Education Practice and Research Center with its distance learning model.
Between October 2 and October 13, 2023, applicants can submit their applications for Basic Education through the e-Devlet-GSB-Spor Bilgi Sistemi (Sports Information System). The reference number will be sent to the e-mail address that specified by the applicants who applied. Coaches can use their reference numbers or Republic of Turkiye Citizenship numbers to pay for their Basic Training and registration renewal (make-up) exam fees starting on October 2 until 17:00 on October 13 at Ziraat Bank Branch/ATM and Mobile (Kurumsal Ödemeler/Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Kursiyer ödemeleri) (Corporate Payments/Youth and Ministry of Sports (Trainee payments) will be able to make payments through payment channels.
The applicants will have access to all audio and visual e-learning materials in addition to digital books in Basic Education through the Anadolu University/e-Campus educational system. Applicants who succeed in Basic Training will be able to attend the practice training that will be provided by the relevant federation, and if they complete the application training and exam, they receive their coach certifications.
Applicants have the right to retake exams that will be held within two years of the date of their first registration for the modules they failed if they fail the basic training and exam and are required to take make-up exams. Applications for registration renewal (make-up) for applicants who failed the previous basic education exams will be accepted through the e-Devlet-GSB-Spor Bilgi Sistemi (Sports Information System) between October 2 and October 13, 2023. The e-Campus system’s educational resources will still be available to applicants who take the retake exam.
Between November 6 and December 8 2023, all applicants whose applications have been accepted are required to register for the exam by login into the Anadolu University Candidate Transactions System ( Registration for the exam will be free. Trainees cannot take the exam if they do not register for it through the Anadolu University applicant procedures system.
The exams of all candidates will be held on January 14, 2024, which is the exam date of the 2023/3 term.
We wish success to the applicants who will take the Coach Basic Training Exam.