Ice Hockey is the fastest team sport that is played by two teams with six members in a scaled area that is covered with slippery ice. Since it is played in ice ring, it is unique, quite fast paced and tough struggle sport. A goal is won by pushing a disc made by hard rubber, named puck, into the competitors’ goal with a curved-tipped wooden or alloy stick.
In the ice hockey play, there are two teams that consist of six members for each team. Teams play with one goalkeeper, two backcourtman and three strikers. Since it requires paced, struggle and high energy, they continuously make player substitution. Player substitution is made without pause. Players wear skate which its knife made by special stuff, impact resistant gloves, knee guard, elbow protector, shoulder protector, special uniforms that contains special stuff to don’t hurt during the game and wear protective helmet.
Buzun tabandan dondurularak hazırlandığı 61 metre uzunluğundaki ve 30 metre genişliğindeki dikdörtgen sahaya ‘’hockey rink’’ denir. Buz sahasında alanı iki eşit parçaya bölen kırmızı bir orta çizgi ve üç eşit parçaya bölen iki mavi çizgi, bir orta yuvarlak ve her iki yarı alanda ikişer başlama yuvarlağı çizilidir. İki mavi çizgi arasındaki alan tarafsız bölge, kaleyle önündeki mavi çizgi arasındaki alan savunma bölgesi, öbür mavi çizgiyle rakip kale arasındaki alan da saldırı (atak) bölgesi olarak adlandırılır.
While strikers take the puck to the goal, the one who take the puck at the front, and the disk must carried by him / her. To count as a score, the disk must be touched by stick. Puck can be touched by foot anywhere, but one can’t score by kick it by his / her foot. If the puck that kicked by striker is touched any player or referee and goes to goal, it doesn’t count as a score.
Ice Hockey is an ‘offside’ game.
On the other hand, there is an offside rule that similar to football’s rule. The players of the team who attack, mustn’t enter the rudder before puck. If that situation happens, the score doesn’t count and the game started in the nearest neutral ground of the faulty team.
Generally there are 2, 3 or 4 referees in a hockey competition. But now days two linesman and one central referee system is common. There are two linesman that decide to offsides and fouls. Central referee decides scores and penalties.
Attitudes like holding the sticks high, blocking competitors with stick, intentional actions, laying on the disc are fouls. Breaking the rules is punished. Most common punishment is dispatching the player to penalty box and remove from the game for a while. Minor penalties take two minutes. Major penalties include being removed for more than 2 minutes according to the referee. The most common reasons of minor penalties are tripping (tripping with stick or skate), elbowing (hitting with elbow), roughing (pushing), high sticking (holding the stick high), delay of the game (spending time by lingering), too many players on the ice (while the player who remove the game is still on the ice, new comer player touching the puck), boarding (hitting to the competitor), illegal equipment (equipment error), hooking (blocking the competitor by using the stick as a hook).
Injuring the competitor also caused 5 minutes major penalty.
Especially the fouls that against to the player who goal scorer caused penalty hit. At these types of fouls, free hit from the blue line counts as penalty. But generally, the harshest penalty is removing the player who made the mistake for two or five minutes and team playing with missing player.
Any player who started fisticuffs is given match penalty. Minor penalty given to the player who is punched and hit back or intend to. But if he / she continue to hit back, can be given double minor, one major or match penalty according to referee.
It is said by historians that ice hockey and field hockey has been a popular game for more than 500 years and started to play in European countries. When the lakes froze in winters, people played a game like field hockey and named it “bandy”. They played with wood sticks and sticks that were made from willow tree. It can be said that Brandy is a pioneer of ice hockey.
Brandy is played with 11 people with slight protection equipment and sticks like used in field hockey. The area was an ice field such as a football field. (60×80). There was a center line. There were low boards around the field. The weight of the ball was 60 – 80-gram, diameter was 6 – 7 cm. Goals’ width was 3.50 and height were 2.10.
The best countries that good at Brandy are Russia, Finland and Canada. Sometimes in Russia, there were a lot of supporters.
Almost all of the Russian and Canadian Brandy players were turn into ice hockey players in time. Also, a lot of brandy players played for their national teams. English students take brandy to Europe by combine with ice hockey.
When we look at the history of the world for women’s ice hockey, we see that women played ice hockey for the first time in 1890 for entertainment purposes. In Europe was played after 80 years. First women players played with skirts that skirts that are long to their skates by 7 players. Today it is played as professionally in Canada and America. Canada won the women’s ice hockey World Cup, which was first held with the contributions of the IIHF. In 1998, America became the first Olympic champion in Nagano.
The main reason why slow progress of women ice hockey is they didn’t’ have enough practice. With great sacrifices, they could only work at midnight. The first artificial ice rink in the world was built in Frankfurt in 1881. The number of ice rinks, which has increased rapidly since this year, has been the most important factor in the development of this sport.
According to 1999 data, there are 3350 indoor ice rinks and 450.000 registered players. There are 192 indoor, 38 outdoor ice rinks, 57.469 registered players and 550 sport clubs. Likewise, we can give similar statistics for countries that arbiter in ice hockey, such as Russia, Sweden, and the United States. Therefore, the large number of ice fields has rapidly increased the demand for ice hockey.
We can say that your A group countries are quite advanced in ice hockey and have lived together with ice hockey for almost 100 years.
In 1875, the first rules are similar to Rugby’s rules. Thew are not written but known by everyone. An interesting rule is that players were not allowed to carry the ball. Players just carried and stopped the ball. Rugby rules were introduced later. Hockey, which was played with 9 players, was reduced to 7 players. Because in Montreal, ice skaters said that they would quit due to damage caused by ice hockey players. After that the owners of ice rings decide to reduce the number of players. In Montreal, McGill University attenders and teachers played the first match on March 3, 1875.
McGill University student William Robertson wrote the first ice hockey rules. He invented the first hockey puck in 1877. Previously, it was played with a plastic ball or wood.
The world’s first hockey league was held in Kingston in 1885.
Regarding the goal nets, nobody wanted to stand behind the goal during the matches, there were many injuries. Also, it wasn’t understood often that it is goal or not. In 1890, Francis Nelson made the first goal net in Montreal. He took a fishing net from the harbor and attached it to the goal.
The Ontario Hockey Federation was established for the first time in 1890.
Lord Stanley of Preston, the British Governor-General of Canada, was so impressed with this sport that in 1892, a ball-shaped, gold-plated silver trophy named as the “Stanley Cup”. Ice hockey, which spread from North America to Europe, showed its rapid development. Because the northern countries of the world are cold, this sport is very popular in Scandinavian countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway) and Russia.
In 1908, the IIHF (International Ice Hockey Federation) was established. The first members were France, England, and Belgium.
In 1912, uniforms were numbered. In 19123, by adding blue lines the area divided into three part. The first ice hockey helmet was worn in 1945. The first goalkeeper helmet was made in Montreal by Clint Benedict.
We can talk about the two most important hockey organizations in the world. (IIHF) International Ice Hockey Federation and (NHL) National Hockey League. NHL is the organization that established in 1917 and consist of Canada and America professional team. IIHF is an organization that calls out to all countries around the world, organizes competitions for the development of this sport at all ages and levels, and provides financial and moral support. At the same time, it organizes seminars for coaches, referees, and managers to increase the quality even more. Member countries are divided into groups according to their level. Thus, highly competitive, and enjoyable matches are played between teams of countries that are close to each other. The winner of each group wants to continue its success against stronger countries by going up to the upper group.
Ice Hockey was included in the Winter Olympic Games in 1920.
Ankara Metropolitan Municipality team who be winner in 1993, 1994, 1995 one by one represented our country at European Champion Clubs’ Cup for the first time. In this cup, Istanbul Skating Club played successful matches in 1998 and won our first victory in Europe.
In 1993 organized by International Ice Hockey Federation in Ankara, our coaches received their official diplomas in the Coach Training courses.
Buz hokeyinin ve çim hokeyinin 500 yıldan fazla bir zaman önce popüler bir yaz sporu olduğu Kuzey Avrupa ülkelerinde oynanmaya başladığı tarihçiler tarafından öne sürülmektedir. Kışın göl ve nehirler donduğunda, insanlar çim hokeyine benzer oyun oynarlardı ve ‘’bandy’’ ismi verilmişti. Tahta toplarla ve söğüt ağacının dallarından yapılmış olan soplar ile oynuyorlardı. Bandy buz hokeyinin öncü sporu olmuştur denilebilir.
Bandy oyun kuralları şöyleydi ; 11 kişi ile, hafif koruma malzemeleri ve çim hokeyindeki sopaya benzer sopa ile oynanıyordu. Saha, bir futbol sahası kadar büyük buz sahasıydı. (60×80). Orta çizgi vardı. Saha etrafında alçak bordlar bulunuyordu. Topun ağırlığı 60-80 gram, çapı 6-7 cm idi. Kaleler, 3.50 eninde, 2.10 yüksekliğindeydi.
Bandy konusunda en iyi ülkeler Rusya, İsveç, Finlandiya ve Kanada‘ydı. Rusya’da bazı maçların oldukça kalabalık seyirci önünde oynandığı oluyordu.
Rusya ve Kanada’da neredeyse tüm bandy oynayanlar zamanla buz hokeycisi oldular. Bir çok bandy oyuncusu ülkelerinin milli takımlarında da oynadılar. İngiliz öğrenciler, bandyi Avrupa’ya buz hokeyi ile birleştirerek getirdiler.
1875 yılında ilk kurallar Rugby kurallarına benziyordu. Yazılmadı ama herkes biliyordu. İlginç kural, topun taşınmamasıydı. Sadece pas ve durdurmak vardı. Sonraları rugby kuralları çıkartıldı. 9 kişi ile oynanan hokey 7 kişiye düşürüldü. Çünkü Montreal’ de buz patenciler buz hokeycilerin buza çok zarar verdiğini ve bu yüzden bırakacaklarını söylediler. Bunun üzerine buz pisti sahipleri sayı düşürme yoluna gitti. Montreal’de McGill Üniversitesi öğrencileri ve hocaları ilk maçı, 3 Mart 1875’ de yaptılar.
McGill Üniversite öğrencisi William Robertson ilk kez buz hokeyi kurallarını yazdı. 1877 yılında ilk hokey pakını icat etti. Öncesinde plastik topla yada tahta ile oynanıyordu.
Kale fileleri ile ilgili olarak maçlar sırasında kimse kale arkasında durmak istemiyor, pek çok sakatlıklar oluyordu. Ayrıca gol olup olmadığı sık sık anlaşılamıyordu. 1890 yılında Francis Nelson, Montreal’de ilk kale filesini yaptı. Bir balıkçı ağını limandan alarak kaleye taktı.
Dünyanın ilk hokey ligi 1885’de Kingston’da yapıldı.
1890’da ilk defa Ontario Hokey Federasyonu kuruldu.
1912’de formalara numara kondu. 1913’ de buz hokey sahası, mavi çizgilerin koyulması ile üç alana bölündü. İlk buz hokey kaskı 1945 yılında giyilmeye başladı. İlk kaleci kaskı 1929’da Montreal’de Clint Benedict tarafından yapıldı.
İngiltere’nin Kanada Genel Valisi olan Preston Lordu Stanley, bu spordan o kadar etkilendi ki 1892’ de top şeklinde, içi altın kaplı gümüş bir kupa ‘’Stanley Kupası’’ olarak anılmaya başladı. Kuzey Amerika’ dan Avrupa’ ya sıçrayan buz hokeyi, hızla gelişmesini gösterdi. Dünyanın kuzey ülkeleri soğuk olmaları nedeniyle İskandinav ülkelerinde (Finlandiya, İsveç, Norveç) ve Rusya’da bu spor çok sevildi.
1908 yılında IIHF-Uluslararası Buz Hokey Federasyonu kuruldu. İlk üyeler Fransa, İngiltere ve Belçika oldu.
Buz Hokeyi Kış olimpiyat oyunlarına 1920 yılında dahil edildi.
Bayan buz hokeyi için Dünya tarihine bakıldığında bayanların ilk kez buz hokeyini 1890 yılında eğlence amaçlı oynadıklarını görüyoruz. Avrupa’da ise ancak 80 yıl sonra oynanmıştır. İlk bayan hokeyciler patenlerine kadar uzun olan etekleri ile 7 kişi oynadılar. Bu günlerde ise Kanada ve Amerika’da profesyonel olarak oynanmaktadır. İlk olarak IIHF’in katkıları ile gerçekleşen bayan buz Hokey Dünya Kupasını Kanada aldı. 1998’ de Nagona’da ilk olimpiyat şampiyonu Amerika oldu.
Bayan buz hokeyinin yavaş ilerlemesine en büyük sebep ; uygun sayıda ve zamanda antrenman yapamamaları oldu. Büyük fedakarlıklar ile ancak gece yarısı çalışabildiler. Dünyadaki ilk yapay buz pisti 1881’de Frankfurt’ ta yapıldı. Bu yıldan itibaren hızla sayısı artan buz rinkleri, bu sporun gelişmesinde en önemli bir faktör olmuştur.
1999 verilerine göre Kanada’da 3350 adet kapalı buz pisti ve 450.000 lisanslı sporcu vardır. Finlandiya’ da 196 kapalı rink, 38 açık rink, 57.469 lisanslı sporcu ve 550 kulüp vardır. Aynı şekilde Rusya, İsveç, Amerika gibi buz hokeyinde söz sahibi ülkeler içinde benzer istatistikleri verebiliriz. Dolayısıyla buz sahasının fazla olması buz hokeyine olan talebi hızla arttırmıştır.
Dünyada en önemli iki hokey organizasyonundan bahsedebiliriz. (IIHF) Uluslararası Buz Hokey Federasyonu ve (NHL) Ulusal Hokey Ligi. NHL, 1917 yılında kurulan ve Kanada ve Amerika profesyonel takımlarından oluşan organizasyondur. IIHF, Dünya genelinde tüm ülkeler seslenen, bu sporun her yaş ve seviyede gelişmesine yönelik müsabakalar organize eden, maddi ve manevi destek olan bir organizasyondur. Aynı zamanda antrenör, hakem ve yönetici seminerleri de düzenleyerek kalitenin daha da artmasını sağlar. Üye ülkeler seviyelerine göre gruplara bölünmüştür. Böylece birbirine yakın seviyedeki ülke takımları arasında oldukça çekişmeli ve zevkli maçlar yapılmaktadır. Her grubun birincisi bir üst gruba çıkarak, başarısını daha kuvvetli ülkelere karşı devam ettirmek istemektedir.
A grubu ülkelerinizin buz hokeyinde oldukça ileri, neredeyse 100 yılı aşkın buz hokeyi ile beraber yaşayan ülkeler olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.